Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Full Of Forum

Full Of Forum :

“Buying or cooking. Which is more saving?”

chairman (nira) :
Bismillahhirrahmanirrahim and Assalamualaikum dan salam one Malaysia. Alhamdulillah grateful to God for the bounties can we meet today in the forum which will cover topics related “Buying or cooking. Which is more saving?”. First thank to the invited guests specifically respected Cik Fairus Binti Ahmad Daud, panel members and ladies and gentlemen. Today we will, together with four special invited panel members from four different institutions for the title explores our present forum, titled “Buying or cooking. Which is more saving?”. The first panel member respected is Dr. Wan Run from China Tsinghua University, second panel is Dr. Li Jing Ming come from China Zhejiang University, third panel is Dr. Jimmy from Korea Hanyang University and last panel is Prof. Dr. Siti Faiezah Binti Kertau Kintus from Malaysia Sultan Idris University of education. In today's society, looking many people very like to buying cooking shop. Kitchen goods whether there is either no. What is the reason?. To discuss this issue without wasting time I pick up our first panel to talk about is more saving, to buy or cook for themselves at home. Please Invite.

Panel 1 (wan run):
            Good evening. Thank you for the chairman, specifically respected to Cik Fairus Binti Ahmad Daud, panel members and ladies and gentlemen . It is interesting topic of our forum “Buying or cooking. Which is more saving?”. We always hear complaints in respect of consumer prices rising. For those singles who live in rental houses far away from family,cooking itself is more cost saving. They can cook together or take turns cooking for your family. It is more saving. In fact, we can estimate or determine the quantity and quality of food required. Therefore, it is desirable that we cook at home to save on daily expenses.

Chairman (nira):
Thanks you to the first panel. Can be concluded that cooking itself is more saving because thecurrent price is more expensive for the more saving is cooking. We just keep our discussion today, I invite the second panel. to share are most satisfied with the purchase of food outside?.

Panel 2 (Li Jin Ming):
            Thank you for the chairman, specifically respected to Cik Fairus Binti Ahmad Daud, panel members, ladies and gentlemen and good evening. Most people would think of eating in the store would not have boughtall the quality and safety guaranteed. My advice to people out there and all the audience in this hall should be careful when you wish to buy food at the store. It is better to cook at home is more secure because of the quality andsafe to eat. Food is not guaranteed beyond delicious. Most of the stores more saving with the use of materials for cookingto make it more profitable for the seller. Even at the time the prices have increased majority all the shops are very expensive price. It is better or more wise to save money is to cook at home.

Chairman (nira):
Thank you for second panel. A very interesting point. It can be concluded here that the cooking at home is better and secured quality, safety, taste and more saving. to continue the discussion aspect of cooking or buying a more saving. Why do the majority of women nowadays or today prefer buying food outside?. Now we hear point a third panel.

Panel 3 (Jimmy):
Thank you for the chairman and good evening. Of course over time is now very busy and developing economies the majority of women nowadays many careers and has a strong commitment to this career cause they have no time to cook at home.Constraints of time and career demands forced them to make choices to only buy food at the outside only. Limited time appears toconfine them to cook at home. It is not wrong for women to buy food outside once in a while. On weekends they would cook.

Chairman (nira):

            Thank you goes to our third Penal. It can be concluded that the women are not lazy to cook but career demands and time constraints limited the cause of women choose to buy food outside. Then, I pickthe last panel to continue the discussions that touch cooking is economical. If cooking the option to saving, what's the best or what the evidence is more saving to cook?.

Panel 4 (paee):
                Bismillahhirrahmanirrahim and Assalamualaikum . Thank you for the chairman, specifically respected to Cik Fairus Binti Ahmad Daud, panel members, ladies and gentlemen and good evening. The best way to become more saving cooking is a way to share with fellow housemates. In this way not only saving but also cook and eat with friends together to increase the appetite and strengthen the friendship between the friends together. If we share the cooking with friends will be about excision of the cost and more saving. More significantly, if we see a large family, there should be every day to buy a kite outside. This requires a large expenditure. So for the more saving it is to cook at home. So we should help our parents reduce the burden of cooking for our parents.

Chairman (nira):

Thank you for sharing our last  panel of the point to buy or cook, which is more saving?. Can concluded  and proved that cooking can be saved. Ended is our forum.
Thank you…